The Application of the Out-in Complementary Principle in the Research of the Right Pentagon and the Right Decagon in the Early Qing Dynasty 出入相补原理在清初正五边、十边形研究中的应用
Is Complementary Principle Essential to Understand Quantum Mechanics? 互补原理对于理解量子力学是必需的吗?
Finite element formulation for finite deformation problem based on complementary energy principle 基于余能原理的有限变形问题有限元列式
Finite element method based on complementary energy principle for large deflection of shallow beam 浅曲梁大挠度分析的余能有限元方法
A new method for stress recovery by the complementary energy principle 一种新的基于余能原理的应力恢复方法
Generalized complementary energy principle and engineering practice of cable nets with large deflection 索网大变形广义余能原理及工程实践
Cooperation, although it is hardly the only law of life, has long been a complementary principle of community and civic living. 合作虽然很难成为人生的唯一法则,但长期以来曾是社团生活和公民生活的补充原则。
Simulated potential energy principle and simulated complementary energy principle for similarly no-coupled system in metal forming technology are established by applying weighted residual method to the similarly no-coupled equation. 应用加权余量法于相似非耦联方程,建立了金属成形工艺相似非耦联系统的模拟势能原理和模拟余能原理。
The oil film forces under free boundary conditions are solved by finite element discrete variational inequalities and iterative method based on complementary principle in linear programming. 利用有限元离散变分不等原理和基于线性规划余原理的迭代方法,求解自由边值条件下的油膜力。
Generalized simulated potential energy principle and generalized simulated complements energy principle are derived from the simulated potential energy principle and the simulated complementary energy principle by Lagrange multiplier method. 应用拉氏乘子法,据模拟势能原理和模拟余能原理,导出了广义模拟势能原理和广义模拟余能原理。
We first improve the complementary variational principle. 首先改进互补变分原理。
This work is based on themodified complementary energy principle. 这工作是基于修正余能原理进行的。
Some thoughts of the quantum mechanics have produced great influence on people's philosophic ideas and the core thought of the quantum mechanics is Wave-particle duality, Bohr's Complementary principle, Uncertainty Principle and Causality relate to probability. 量子力学的一些思想对人们的哲学观念产生了相当大的影响,量子力学的核心思想是波粒二象性、互补原理、不确定性原理(测不准原理)和因果关系的几率描述。
The minimum potential energy principle and minimum complementary energy principle with mixed variables in three dimensional problems of elasticity are established in this paper, and in terms of the minimum potential energy principle the minimum potential energy principle with mixed variables of bending thin plates is given. 本文建立了弹性力学空间问题混合变量的最小势能原理和最小余能原理,并根据该最小势能原理给出了弯曲薄板混合变量的最小势能原理。
Based on the incremental complementary energy principle, a stress hybrid model is developed for the geometrically nonlinear analysis of beams. 本文基于增量余能原理,导出了用于曲梁几何非线性分析的假定应力杂交模型。
The main character of the model is to apply complementary principle to analyze FDI, by integrating the Comparative Advantage of the classic economic and the Theory of Factor Endowment, on the base of the theory of coordination game. 本文的合作型FDI模型的最主要特征是在借鉴协调博弈理论的基础上,结合古典经济学的比较优势理论和赫克歇尔&俄林的要素禀赋理论,将协调博弈的互补性原理应用于FDI分析。
From the least complementary principle, several variational principles are derived. 最小余能原理还有一些派生的变分原理。
Application of the Base Forces Concept to Finite Element Method Based on Complementary Energy Principle 基面力概念在余能原理有限元中的应用
This paper gives the concept o f-memory of S-rough sets and its-memory structure, puts forward-memory chain theorem,-memory loop theorem and the knowledge complementary principle of F-memory chain. 本文给出S-粗集的-F-记忆概念,S-粗集的-F-记忆结构,提出-F-记忆链定理,-F-记忆环定理和-F-记忆链上知识补充原理。
A generalized complementary energy principle of limit analysis 一个极限分析广义余能原理
The core of the flexibility method is deformable consistency equations. From the least complementary principle, the general expressions of deformable consistency equations are derived. 力法的核心是变形协调方程,本文从最小余能原理出发,推导了力法变形协调方程的一般表达式。
On the Complementary Principle and the Order-Flexibility Method 关于余能原理和秩力法的探讨
Considerations on the Complementary Principle of the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court 关于国际刑事法院管辖权补充性原则的思考
With the advance in theory and technology, people begin to do quantitative researches of complementary principle; but most of which are based on single-particle interference. 随着量子力学理论的深入和技术的进步,人们开始了互补原理的定量研究,但绝大多数成果都是针对单粒子干涉的。
Compensation is given priority to, complementary principle compensation. 赔偿为主,补偿为辅原则,被告人赔偿刑事被告人的损失为主,国家补偿为辅。
It deduces the classical variational principle including the minimum total potential energy principle and the minimum complementary energy principle. 基于电磁弹性静力学的广义虚功原理建立了经典变分原理,包括最小总势能原理与最小总余能原理。
Complementary principle is one of the most important principles of quantum mechanics. 互补原理是量子力学的核心之一。
On that basis, the paper used color complementary principle so as to effectively improve the stability of low-alcoholic Wu Chia-pee liquor. 3. 在此基础上,采用了色泽互补原理,有效地改善了低度五加皮酒色泽的稳定性。
Coupled system is defined firstly, then zero different work principle, coupled potential energy principle and coupled complementary energy principle are established. 定义了该问题的耦联系统,建立了该耦联系统的零差功原理、耦联势能原理和耦联余能原理。
The clear definition of structural instability is presented. Based on this definition, the strict expression of logic set is built, and then the theoretical foundation of deformation reinforcement theory, minimum plastic complementary energy principle, is deduced and proved. 提出了结构失稳的明确定义,建立了此定义的严格的集合逻辑表述,并以此定义为出发点,推导并证明了变形加固理论的理论基础&最小塑性余能原理。